- Human wants seem endless. 人类的欲望似乎是永无止境的。
- The rank of book shelves seemed endless. 那一排书架似没有尽头。
- Human wants that are backed by buying power. 当考虑到支付能力的时候,欲望就转换为需求。
- The career possibilities for this young hot star seem endless. 这位年轻而又炙手可热的明星,可谓前途无量。
- The Flower Corridor seems endless. 这花卉走廊还真是一眼望不到头啊。
- Seemingly endless; interminable. 似乎无休止的; 没完没了的
- The hours of waiting seemed endless. 等候了很多小时; 似乎无尽无休.
- The human wants to strive for to change unceasingly, impels oneself to progress. 人要不断求变,推动自己去进步。
- This is because human wants are greater than the resources available to satisfy them. 这是因为人类的需求大于用来满足这些需求的可用资源。
- Throughout the history of that free time, time rush, time is like that heritability of the cocoon, seem endless, constantly touching. 细数那游离的日子,岁月匆匆,时间就像是那抽丝的茧,无尽的似,缠绵不断。
- The choices are seemingly endless-- and headache-making. 这些选择好像没完没了,叫人头疼。
- The life looks like a diary, keeps a diary the human wants to write own life a story, however dismounts truly another comfort. 人的一生就象一本日记,写日记的人想把自己的一生写成一个故事,然而卸下的确实另一个舒适。
- Standing in front of a boy lying in a hospital bed in Tyre, Lebanon, the "conflict in the Middle East" and the "cost of war" seem endless and suffocating. 站在黎巴嫩提尔医院一个小男孩的病床前,“中东冲突”和“战争的代价”看来无休无止。
- Of the other requisite -- appropriate natural objects-- it is to be remarked,that some objects exist or grow up spontaneously,of a kind suited to the supply of human wants. 关于另一种生产要素(适当的自然物品),需要指出的是,某些能满足人类需要的物品是自然存在或生长的。
- Of the other requisite -- appropriate natural objects-- it is to be remarked, that some objects exist or grow up spontaneously, of a kind suited to the supply of human wants. 关于另一种生产要素(适当的自然物品),需要指出的是,某些能满足人类需要的物品是自然存在或生长的。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences. 布尔沃·利顿,爱德华·乔治·厄尔·利顿1803-1873英国作家,以其颇受欢迎的历史小说而闻名,尤其是庞贝城的最后一日(1834年), 以及他那看起来永无止境的错综复杂的句子
- If human wants to make further progress and development, the anthropocentrism should be stengthened, which is the necessity of the development of human society. 要想使人类得到长远的进步和发展,应该强化人类中心主义观,这是人类社会发展的必然要求。
- If human wants to make further progress and development,the anthropocentrism should be stengthened,which is the necessity of the development of human society. 要想使人类得到长远的进步和发展,应该强化人类中心主义观,这是人类社会发展的必然要求。
- Saul Bellow describes his impressions of the seemingly endless cornfields of Illinois. 索尔·贝娄描述了自己对伊利诺伊看似无边无际的玉米地的印象。